For Valentine's Day, I asked my husband to buy me daisies. I love them, they are my favorite. They remind me of country roads, grandma's house when I was a little girl, blue and white checkered print, summer days, brighter days, simplicity, purity, and love. Yesterday I noticed something else.
Ok, so it's necessary that I get more than one for that to work, but I love it.
Today is a new day.
I realize that maybe I wasn't as peppy in my last blog as I was trying to be. I thought the spin on Murphy made it funnier, but maybe not. As I received MANY well wishes, prayers and hopeful stories since then. God bless each of you for all of them.
I think I should have posted earlier though, because I signed a lease yesterday!! Your prayers, along with ours - have come through.
It's going to be cozy, it's little!
But we will fit. It's a townhouse, fairly close, price was decent, won't need a storage garage, this one is huge. So that will help. We couldn't find anything, besides a way overpriced apartment without stairs, but this has minimal. So it should be okay for Anthony.
I am in a bible study right now and on Tuesday we talked about taking the "precious" from our histories, and leaving behind the "worthless". Not that any of our past is worthless, but definitely there are some things not worth passing on to my children.
So in looking into our future - I want to focus on what could be our "precious".
I could get hung up about being in a townhome, being our age and doing college, and renting, and starting over.
The precious things I could see are that...
-I won't have to mow or shovel for 2 years (and I won't have to worry about Anthony taking off with the mower).
-I won't spend countless hours cleaning my own house.
-I will get to see my children everyday close by my side.
-Nobody will have to change schools.
-We will be cozy, live smaller and simpler.
-We will all have to go out to play as we will have to drive to a park.
This summer could be a "tour de parks" all over Minnesota. And I can go because I won't have to clean my house all day.
-We will meet new neighbors, maybe some close friends?
-We will get to go on summer walks around a great and safe neighborhood.
-My pyromaniac son will be able to flick a switch to start a fire, and flick it again to "put out the fire". No new carpet necessary.
-My daughters will share a room (anybody looking to sell some bunk beds?).
- We can put murals on the walls in the kids rooms.
-We will be able to breathe a little more financially.
-When all is said and done - we have 2 years to get through the backlash of the sale of our home, 2 years for me to get through school, and 2 years where our kids get to see us work very hard to acheive our dreams. There is nothing more honorable as a goal, than to gift my kids with the knowledge and know-how, the example set - of how to create a vision, dream a dream, and then see the fruit of the labor. My kids didn't see what I did or didn't do in my 20's. But when they are in theirs - I pray this experience blesses them.
Because in 2 years, (maybe a little longer), mom will be a teacher and/or a writer, dad will be home in the evenings and on weekends, we will get another house that more suits us, in the woods with a garden. And we will all appreciate it immensely. Until then, we are going to enjoy the next two years (careful to not instill the "I'll be happy when..." philosophy for in two years.) We are going to be happy now.
We are going to plant daisies, in the window.
And be reminded of country roads, grandma's house, blue and white checkers, summer days, brighter days, purity, simplicity, and love.
Ok, so it's necessary that I get more than one for that to work, but I love it.
Today is a new day.
I realize that maybe I wasn't as peppy in my last blog as I was trying to be. I thought the spin on Murphy made it funnier, but maybe not. As I received MANY well wishes, prayers and hopeful stories since then. God bless each of you for all of them.
I think I should have posted earlier though, because I signed a lease yesterday!! Your prayers, along with ours - have come through.
It's going to be cozy, it's little!
But we will fit. It's a townhouse, fairly close, price was decent, won't need a storage garage, this one is huge. So that will help. We couldn't find anything, besides a way overpriced apartment without stairs, but this has minimal. So it should be okay for Anthony.
I am in a bible study right now and on Tuesday we talked about taking the "precious" from our histories, and leaving behind the "worthless". Not that any of our past is worthless, but definitely there are some things not worth passing on to my children.
So in looking into our future - I want to focus on what could be our "precious".
I could get hung up about being in a townhome, being our age and doing college, and renting, and starting over.
The precious things I could see are that...
-I won't have to mow or shovel for 2 years (and I won't have to worry about Anthony taking off with the mower).
-I won't spend countless hours cleaning my own house.
-I will get to see my children everyday close by my side.
-Nobody will have to change schools.
-We will be cozy, live smaller and simpler.
-We will all have to go out to play as we will have to drive to a park.
This summer could be a "tour de parks" all over Minnesota. And I can go because I won't have to clean my house all day.
-We will meet new neighbors, maybe some close friends?
-We will get to go on summer walks around a great and safe neighborhood.
-My pyromaniac son will be able to flick a switch to start a fire, and flick it again to "put out the fire". No new carpet necessary.
-My daughters will share a room (anybody looking to sell some bunk beds?).
- We can put murals on the walls in the kids rooms.
-We will be able to breathe a little more financially.
-When all is said and done - we have 2 years to get through the backlash of the sale of our home, 2 years for me to get through school, and 2 years where our kids get to see us work very hard to acheive our dreams. There is nothing more honorable as a goal, than to gift my kids with the knowledge and know-how, the example set - of how to create a vision, dream a dream, and then see the fruit of the labor. My kids didn't see what I did or didn't do in my 20's. But when they are in theirs - I pray this experience blesses them.
Because in 2 years, (maybe a little longer), mom will be a teacher and/or a writer, dad will be home in the evenings and on weekends, we will get another house that more suits us, in the woods with a garden. And we will all appreciate it immensely. Until then, we are going to enjoy the next two years (careful to not instill the "I'll be happy when..." philosophy for in two years.) We are going to be happy now.
We are going to plant daisies, in the window.
And be reminded of country roads, grandma's house, blue and white checkers, summer days, brighter days, purity, simplicity, and love.
I agree and can relate with your love for daisies, I think your goals are fantastic, your list of things precious is right-on, and I believe you will be a great teacher and/or writer! ...Always a silver-lining...