I have been blessed with two very beautiful girls.
I write a lot about how Anthony changes my life.
But these two...they have amazing ways of impacting my life as well.
There's a phrase I like to say from time to time that goes:
"Whatever you didn't learn from your parents, your kids will teach you."
So very true.
There's a book out there called "I was the perfect parent. Before I had kids."
Now I have never read this book, I don't know who wrote it or anything about it, but the title alone, speaks volume to a million things in regards to parenting. Whatever I thought I was going to be, or do, as a parent was almost completely lost the moment each of them were laid in my arms. You can plan all you want before kids, but call it preparing, because once that child comes to you, and in each and every interaction with them, it all becomes less about you and more about them.
You will need to be much more flexible.
Becoming a parent has a way of making you really look at yourself, your values and your priorities.
And you really need to take into account who they are, each one on their own.
Like with these two.
One is emotional, one is logical.
One is sensitive, one is practical.
Both are relational, but in different ways.
One is academic, one is artistic.
One is a planner, one is more "free".
One is opinionated, one is a people pleaser.
One is a giver, one is a hoarder.
Both are full of love and spirit.
Both love animals.
Both are friendly.
One is more black and white, and one is so very gray.
Both love pink.
One is more cautious, one is more brave.
One uses band aids, one picks.
One is more subdued, one is more colorful.
One reads, one paints.
One hunts, and they both fish.
One can be bossy and one cries.
Both are loving.
Both are protectors of their brother and each other.
And both are fun and very delightful to spend time with.
And the giggles from the other room reminds me how they can both comfort
and make the other laugh.

And because of them, I have had to take a very hard look at myself.
Because both are observers too.
They watch what I say, what I do and how I feel.
And when I see the things that worry me for them,
I realize that I may have passed on more than brown eyes and curly hair.
In each interaction with them, more than ever before, I carefully think about what I say to them.
Because I want the follower to lead.
Because I want the people pleaser to value who she is.
Because I want the Free spirit to be a little more careful.
And the subdued to reach higher.
Because I want the academic to nurture her creativity and the artist to gain wisdom.
I want the more emotional one to not have her heart broken so easily.
And I want the logical one to be less serious.
Because I don't want them to confuse pleasing others with simply caring for others.
Because I don't want them to ever lose who they were destined to be,
and have to rediscover or "find" themselves in adulthood.
Because I want them to stay connected to their inner spirit.
Because I want them to love who they are, as they are.
Because I want them to grow,
And to continue to shine and sparkle as they do now.
Because through good times and bad, I want them to know and keep the JOY in them.
Because "happiness" can come and go with the wind.
These girls are precious to me.
They help me to make sure they always feel valued and honored.
And I have become very grateful to them.
Because they have blessed me with the knowledge
of just how much they watch what I do and say about myself -
that I have HAD to learn to value and honor myself.
Because all kids learn by watching!
And not necessarily by listening.
These little gems are teaching me to back up what I say,
with what I do.
And it is a challenge.
But one I will bust my tail to take on -
At even the chance to give them a better life.
So that they can always see in themselves
what I see in them.
Their beauty, adventure, simple sweetness and uniqueness. Their kindness, joy, patience, and honor. Their creativity, loving, caring and considerate skills. Their amazing talents. Their hope, courage, sensitivity and fun. They are precious and treasured gifts to everyone around them.
I pray each day to fill their hearts with value, honor, belonging and a sense of such worthiness. Because they are worth so very much to me.
Loving them is easy.
And I commit to loving them - through building and strengthening them, the best way I can.
My Bella and Emma Rose.
Thank you for the gifts you've given me.
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