That's what I had today.
My son, who gets overwhelmed at crowds sometimes, can leave the situation to escape his fears - most of the time.
However today, while I was picking up Emma from a Birthday Party, at the Mall of America in the American Girl Store, along with her little friend, Anthony decided to "leave" the situation. While I was having Emma use her "manners" - say goodbye politely, say thank you and happy birthday to the little girl - he left.
I lost him.
This happens way too much.
I prep him, let him know what's coming, what's expected and think I have it all under wraps, and then off he goes. When I am not looking.
Today was the first time I ever had to get help and have an employee ask for his description as she called a "Code Adam" over her walkie talkie. (Those are 2 words you never want to hear!!) The feeling that swept over me I can't even put into words. The fear, panic, frustration, where in the hell is he, and still keep track of the other three kids with me. I didn't know if I should go back the way we came down the stairs, or out into the mall from the upstairs. He likes the escalator, but maybe he just wanted out and stayed upstairs. God, I had no idea what to do!!Ugh.
Finally I see him out of the corner of my eye. He went out of the store completely and was waiting patiently at the door. He knew enough to stay near, just not by me. Three fricking minutes can feel like a lifetime. And poor Bella. We always split up and search. I pray every time I don't lose her while we are looking for him. And she gets just as scared as I do. She'll be gray before she's 20 at this rate.
I don't drink, but I today I feel like I need something.
Maybe some dogtags for the kid, and a flask for the purse?
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