Today was a very productive day, got a lot done and learned quite a few things about my life today.
Just for kicks here is a top 15:
15. If you mow the lawn, and have your music blaring in your ears to hear it over the mower, you will get an earache. (And maybe need to go to Oklahoma to visit your favorite audiologist.)
14. Too much time working in the sun, without enough water is a sure fire way to bring on a headache.
13. Mowing the lawn after 2 - 3 days of rain (and a week) is a bit like mowing a field. But makes the best "vacuum lines".
12. Coloring on a blanket in the shade is very cool.
11. If I am tied up with the mower - my kids can make a healthy lunch with great cooperation all on their own. They even dished me up and cleaned up after.
10. Anthony REALLY likes mowing the lawn with me. He pushes a grass seeder/fertilizer thing right next to me the whole way. It is a favorite time for me.
9. The weed wacker is still one of my top accomplishments for the summer.
8. (I REALLY need to get out more.)
7. Fresh cut grass is a great smell.
6. So is the old stuff dried out in the bag - reminds me of baling hay with my grandpa, dad, uncles, and cousins when I was a kid.
5. Calloused hands from hard work feel better than any manicure.
4. Venting too much in a vulnerable moment of pain to the wrong person, is like throwing yourself in front of the Truck of Judgement. Never to get up again.
3. Just when I thought my life couldn't get any worse, I hear of someone else's struggle and I realize that I don't have a thing to complain about.
2. Watching movies I have already seen late at night, aren't worth the loss in sleep.
1. I am learning, sometimes the hard way, who my true friends really are.
At that was just today.
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