When my first 2 were little, it was very hard. I always felt like I was so busy with their care that I hardly visited with anyone. I liked being there, but the work to "enjoy some relaxation" was more effort than I think it was worth sometimes and I felt left out a lot. However now, as my children are older, I am blessed with opportunites to do some in-depth visiting, creating connections to other people in the family, and even more fun...watching my children just completely enjoy themselves too. There is still a lot to do with them, but nothing like it used to be.
Now, I get to watch them, and enjoy new babies again. Two of Shaun's cousins have had 4 children between the two of them with their husbands, and I have a whole new appreciation for them and what they are going through. I watch as they look so tired, run around to the different places and activities their little ones want to see and do. I watch them as they need to run off in mid-sentence because they are needed. And I smile. Because I remember doing it myself, and because watching parents, really good parents, tend to their little ones with such dedication and commitment...is just simply, a beautiful thing.
They are so in tuned to their kids, so patient, so aware. Although I think they wish they could finish a conversation, they follow their hearts, and it leads them to help their child experience such things as water, blocks, toads, swimming, boat rides, fish, worms, sleeping in a tent, and stories before bedtime.
I admire them.
They are doing what I remember doing, but I am pretty sure they are "enjoying the relaxation" a little more than I could. Although it never really helped that Shaun was rarely with me back then. I was always glad I went, but I remember feeling more exhausted than refreshed. Shaun did make it for one of the days we were there this past weekend. And it was SOO awesome. Even though they are older, it really is still great when we are both there.
I never thought there would be a day I wouldn't want more babies, but I can say now that our family is complete. We are moving on into new adventures now that they are older and I can honestly say I don't have baby fever anymore. However, watching my own children with these little ones, made me ponder future days. Will my girls have children? What kind of mothers will they be? What kind of men will they marry? And what an incredible uncle Anthony could be. I don't have the desire to have more children myself, but watching my children grow and eventually become parents themselves is a new kind of thought. One I hope happens way down the road of course, but very exciting all the same.
Until then I get to imagine, dream, and appreciate the love I see in them when they tend to these little ones. They are just so careful and delicate with them...so precious.
So here are some pics of my kids with the two youngest in the next generation. J. Parker and Grant.
This is Emma with J.Parker. She was SOO proud. And his mommy was so tender with helping Emma to do this.
These simple moments, as well as so many others, are reminders for me that I did truly "enjoy the relaxation".
Because as a mom, or a dad, "moments", here and there, might be all you get.
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