Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Taking the Good with the Bad

You know that saying, "taking the good with the bad".

I think it's kind of like counting your blessings when times are tough.

And as you may or may not know, times here are tough.

Sometimes they just plain suck.

So in the spirit of trying to stay positive, when at times I just want to collapse and cry, I have developed my own little comparison list of bad vs. good to see the silver lining.

Here it goes:

The Bad - Anthony's new physical therapist has a PhD. and has never heard of the "common" sleep practices of children with DS and the possible effects that may have on the poor development of his hip, knees, and feet. (He sleeps folded over in half, head resting on his feet.)
The Good - I guess I know more than some chick with her PhD.

The Bad - Although I adore his speech therapist, she doesn't do anything that much different than what I do at home.

The Good - I could make a decent speech therapist.

The Bad - My husband works 12-14 hours a day, 6-7 days a week. He isn't here to help with anything, I don't get any breaks, and I drag my kids everywhere.

The Good -I get to take my kids to the zoo, the park, hiking, fishing, the cabin and the library. I get compliments on how well behaved they are when we go to the store, bank, post office, social services office, therapy centers, restrurants, hair salons and meetings. I get to be there for every skinned knee, bad dream, first bike ride, story read, puzzle finished, and new skill.
I am becoming very independent. I am learning to master a crazy schedule, insurance companies, finances, and the weed wacker. My kids are learning to help cook, clean, do laundry, and have fun doing it. At night I can stay up on the internet, talk to my friends, read books, and watch whatever I want on TV.

The Bad-I still really miss my husband.

The Good - Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

The Bad - I know of five couples going, or have recently gone, through a divorce.

The Good - I am not one of them.

The Bad - I feel so very lonely at times.

The Good - God gave me some really great friends and family that check in on me, send me encouraging notes, and bless me daily.

The Bad - We are so broke. He took such a hit in pay for this new job. We can't afford anything.

The Good - I have been fortunate enough to start working a bunch of different jobs that come in here and there and continue to provide for us. I have found some great things to do with the kids that are free! We all are helping each other out, and enjoying ourselves. I would bet that my kids are learning some very valuable lessons in all of this that I never would have been able to teach otherwise.

The Bad - In caring for everything and everyone else, I have neglected to care for myself again. I have fallen off of my workouts and healthy eating again. Even just doing things that give me moments of happiness, for ME.

The Good - I can start again. Again.

The Bad - Our new huge TV broke.

The Good - We got all our money back, and put it towards the house payment. Just in time.

The Bad - No TV to watch.

The Good - Catching up on reading, writing, sleep, and paperwork.

The Bad - I am ALWAYS behind and never "caught up".

The Good - I am NEVER bored, and I always have something to do.

The Bad-I don't know what to do with my life to get us out of this.

The Good - I have options.

So, I guess life is really just how you look at it. I have a life that most wouldn't choose, and right now I sure in hell wouldn't. But that's only if you look at the bad. It might be crazy, but it won't last forever.

But the Good stuff? I wouln't trade a single moment of it. I guess you could call me the "lucky one", but I am pretty sure I am fresh out of luck.

But I will call myself...blessed.

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