I was putting away the laundry when I heard Bella and the neighbor kids run in and begin yelling for me. They were all so excited and speaking at once as I came down the stairs to see what all the fuss was about. All I could make out was "Emma, blood, tooth, and a lot of blood". I followed them over to the neighbors and there was Emma was in the care of their dear grandmother who watches over them.
They weren't kidding about the blood. There was a LOT of it. We've lost a lot of teeth in this house with three kids, but this was the most I've ever seen. Sure enough, there it was, the top front tooth, been loose for months. We were all so happy and full of yells and excitement congratulating her.
But then Edna says, that other one is about to go too. As we all calmed ourselves to see, it got very quiet. We could have heard a pin drop while we watched her wiggle it with her tongue, but instead we heard "it". We actually heard it grinding. Ugh. I tried, to no avail to yank it out, so Edna got it. Poor little Emma, her eyes were so big, but her face was so scared, and she was so quiet. So here she is, now two teeth gone, and bleeding all over the place, and she goes over and hugs Tyler for helping her get her teeth out. Tyler's head is okay, but she'll need to wash her hair.
So here is little sunshine, all cleaned up and toothless.
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