Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Funny moment with Emma

Little Emma is 7 now, as you can see. She is growing up, but she is still the absolute joy she has always been.

This is one those stories I didn't want to forget, so I am writing it down, right here, and sharing it with you.

We have been teaching her and Bella to play Cribbage, which has been very fun. I didn't learn myself until I started dating Shaun. Although we have added some new vocabulary to the game, it has gone quite well. (For example, to remind her to jump over the peg for counting, we keep telling her "leapfrog".)

Last night she was playing with Bella and I was coaching them both through it. So it's Emma's turn to deal. She was handing out the cards in a very different fashion. It worked, but I knew some of the people she may play with other than me, might not appreciate how she was doing it very much. She has always been so creative. Just when you think there is only one way to do things, she shows you how to shake it up a bit. Anyway, I thought I should mention how it was fine with me the way she was doing it, but that I wanted her to know how most people do it, so that when she was playing with them, they wouldn't get upset with her for not doing it the way they are used to.

"So they get kinda mad?", she asked.
"Yes, some people can get pretty particular on how the cards are dealt." I responded.
To which she says, "Yeah, some people can be so miniature".

I know she meant to say "immature". But I giggled to myself and thought of all the people I play with, that can be so "miniature". You know, petty, particular and irritable. Taking all the fun out of playing the game.

At least with Emma, as little as she actually is, being "miniature" isn't an issue for her.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Every time I play cards I think about a story where someone's grandma said "discharge" instead of "discard" every time. I will now add this story to my inner thoughts as I am playing cards and think of Emma and smile!:)
