Friday, December 4, 2009

A good laugh

The other day, after struggling since we moved here, to find a good Sunday school option for the kids, like we had in Iowa, and having no luck - I decided to "home school" the spirituality of my kids. It's our overall job anyway as parents, so I decided to give it a shot a few Sundays ago.

We had a total blast!!!!

We spent 2 hours on it, everybody got into it. Even Anthony was in full attention. And did his memory verse super awesome everyday after.

In one of our discussions that day we talked about the four Gospels. Bella couldn't resist the urge to repeat over and over in a sing-song tone, "Matthew, Mark, Luke and John". She had all of us singing it actually. Even little Emma was just going to town with her new little song.

A few hours later, I was talking this over with my grandma and sharing with her how great the experience was, how connected to the kids I felt and how precious the family time was for all of us learning together as we went along.

Soon Emma appeared for a little snuggle time. While on the phone with my grandma, I quick asked Emma if she remembered the four Gospels we learned. (I was sure to impress grandma with this one.) At first Emma hesitated, so I prompted her with "Matthew...".

To which she thought for a moment and finished with -

"Matthew..............Jon... and Kate".

I laughed so hard.
So did grandma.

It's really only funny at first, because if you think about it for too long, it's kinda pathetic.

So I don't, and I continue to just laugh.

That kid ALWAYS cracks me up.

Bless her heart.

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